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    Storage Class

    This page describes how to use and configure different storage classes to be used for backups.

    A Kubernetes Storage Class is used for automatic hot storage disk provisioning in the tiered storage architecture of Kannika Armory.

    It can be configured in two ways:

    • on application-level using the .storage.class option in the configuration of the operator,
    • on a per-volume basis using a Volume Storage.

    Configuring the storage class using Helm

    The default storage class can be configured using the following Helm chart options:

    The following configuration options are available in our Helm charts to configure the storage class:


    This value will be written to the configuration file of the operator.

    Volume Storage Configuration

    The Storage Class can be configured in the .spec.volume.storageClass field of a Volume Storage resource.

    kind: Storage
    name: my-storage
    capacity: 100Gi
    storageClass: "my-storage-class"

    Automatic detection of the storage class

    The operator attempts to detect which environment it is running in. Based on which environment, it will also attempt to detect which storage class needs to be installed, or needs to be used. Currently, minikube and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) are supported.


    For minikube, the csi-hostpath-driver addon must be enabled.

    Terminal window
    $ minikube addons enable csi-hostpath-driver

    See: CSI Driver and Volume Snapshots

    Google Cloud Disks (GCE)

    For GKE, the GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver must be enabled. Note that this is enabled by default on new clusters.

    The operator will attempt to install a CSI-enabled storage class named kannika-gke-pd-csi, if it has not done so yet.

    See: Using the Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver

    Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

    No detection is done for AWS EBS yet. However, you can use the driver by installing it manually.

    Here is an example of a StorageClass that can be used that is compatible with the operator and which retains volumes after deletion:

    kind: StorageClass
    name: kannika-aws-ebs-csi
    volumeBindingMode: Immediate
    type: gp2 # This configures SSDs (recommended).
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
    reclaimPolicy: Retain

    Set the option to kannika-aws-ebs-csi to use this storage class in the Helm chart (see above).